Corporate Governance

Dongwu Cement is devoted to realistically maintain corporate governance to a high-level, with the emphasis of high degree of transparency, accountability and independence principle.  The Board of our Company believes good corporate is of great importance to the success of the company and the improvement of the shareholder value.

Board of Directors

Members of the Board and Role


Audit Committee 

Yu Xiaoying (Chairman)

Cao Kuanyu

Suo Suo


The audit committee is comprised of three members, namely, Cao Kuanyu, Yu Xiaoying and Suo Suo ,all of whom are Independent non-executive Directors of the Company. The primary duties of the audit committee are to review and supervise our financial reporting processes and internal control systems, nominate and monitor external auditors and provide advice and comments to the Directors. Ms. Yu Xiaoying is the chairman of the audit committee.


Nomination Committee                                       

Suo Suo (Chairman)

Cao Kuangyu

Yu Xiaoying


The nomination committee is comprised of three members, namely, Cao Kuanyu, Yu Xiaoying and Suo Suo, all of whom are Independent non-executive Directors of the Company. The primary duties of the nomination committee are to review the structure, size and composition of our Board on a regular basis and make recommendations to our Board regarding the nomination of appropriate candidates to fill vacancies on our Board. Mr.Suo Suo is the chairman of the nomination committee.


Remuneration committee                                   

Suo Suo (Chairman)

Cao Kuangyu

Yu Xiaoying


The remuneration committee is comprised of three members, namely, Cao Kuanyu, Yu Xiaoying and Suo Suo, , all of whom are Independent non-executive Directors of the Company. The primary duties of the remuneration committee are to evaluate the performance and determine the remuneration packages of our executive Directors and senior management and to make recommendations on the remuneration of our non-executive Director. Mr.Suo Suo is the chairman of the nomination committee.

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